Someone once told us “Yes we can”
as if we needed a permission of some kind.
But nobody has to tell us anything,
Of course WE CAN!

The Great FREEset

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Choice and ultimately Freedom of HUG are fundamental Constitutional and Human Rights. Of course we can talk, go anywhere we want, choose for ourselves and hug each other because we live in Europa, in a democracy – we don’t need anyone’s permission! Or at least, it used to be that way…

However, these rights have been under constant attack for decades now with all sorts of excuses, but since the WHO’s declaration of a pandemic, apparently the mother of all excuses, these attacks have taken unprecedented proportions with restrictions of freedom once unimaginable in the so-called democratic countries.
Fortunately, there are people, groups and movements fighting all over Europa and the World to defend these fundamental rights, with countless opportunities to get involved.

In any case Human Rights will always be the highest rules of law. If someone says differently he is either wrong, lying or breaking those very rules. Don’t let television make you believe otherwise.



22 videos found
Dutch young people are fed up with the government measures and organize their own demonstrations in Amsterdam.
Dutch young people are fed up with the government measures and organize their own demonstration in Amsterdam.
There are 30 Human Rights. No 30 says: "No one can take away your Human Rights"
The "green" pass, instrument for The "Going Direct Reset" Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with Catherine Austin Fitts and Senta Depuydt - Milan press conference 13/11/2021
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