PurplePower aims to bring together and connect any Initiative for Freedom, but especially between students/young people in Europa. In collaboration with ComiCost, the Comittee of italian Lawyers for Constitutional Freedom, we organize podcast meetings at Como Radio International.

In this second PurplePodcast (21/01/2022) again Isa of Jongeren voor Vrijheid (Young people for Freedom) from the Netherlands together with Giorgia, an Italian student in the Netherlands, in connection with Ruta from the International Students’ Union (Tarptautinis studentų susivienijimas, TSS – youtube channel) and Amedeo of Students against the ‘Green’ Pass Italy. Only a few days later TSS published a video in answer to the italian “Cry for help“.

2 videos found
Student movement TSS gathered in front of the embassy of Italy in Vilnius to express their support and solidarity for students and all people in Italy (IT►LT/EN/ES/IT/NL)
Italy seems to be on the frontline of the European Covid "green"-pass social experimentation.

(If time allows a summery with captions will be provided.)

The main idea is to connect and unite students/young people across Europe to team up to feel less alone and stronger.
Three basic issues on which to exchange experiences, observations and inspirations:
1 – how are you doing as a no-green-pass person?
2 – what can we actively do to accelerate the process of getting out of this imbroglio
3 – and what can we do so that it can then be rebuilt towards a more honest, just and humane society
and possibly additional issues of actuality, emergence or also some fun.

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